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Unfinished Orders

Monitor Orders Awaiting Payment

Orders which are unpaid and have not yet been placed are classed as Unfinished Orders. With several pages of order data, the Search tool will allow you to easily locate specific orders by entering either partial or full names, email addresses or order numbers. Orders are listed in descending order with the most recently modified at the top.

In most cases, orders will be completed by the customer. However, some off-site Payment Processors may occasionally fail to update your site with confirmations of successful payments. It is possible to identify and mark such orders as paid. Another possible scenario is an order begun on the site and completed via the telephone. Marking orders as paid will transfer them to the Orders section for processing.

The order table includes information regarding the date and time the order was last modified, the total order value and the number of items in the Shopping Basket. The customer account can be edited in a new window by clicking on the customer's name. The contents of the Shopping Basket can be viewed in a new window by clicking on the order number.

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