REST API Specification

View Glossary

View and test all available resources and methods

The following interactive tool enables developers to view and test all of the available resources and methods accessible via our REST API.

Resources include assets such as orders and products. Methods include standard HTTP requests such as GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. The API accepts query string parameters for GET and DELETE requests, and JSON data for POST and PUT requests, always responding with standard JSON data.

The API credentials below provide read only access to the site, our demonstration site. Feel free to enter your own Bluepark site's API credentials, but please note that this testing tool will never make changes to any sites, regardless of the permissions associated with the credentials.

Domain:Username:API Key:
HTTP Basic authentication is required to access the API, via HTTPS  -  credentials and permissions are created via Admin Users

 | TopCollapse All Resources

7 resources have been retrieved and can be explored below

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Company information

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Sales orders
  • GET
    Retrieve orders/orders
    idsstringComma or pipe delimited list of resource IDs to retrieve
    order_numberstringOrder number to filter resources retrieved
    order_numbersstringComma or pipe delimited list of order numbers to filter resources retrieved
    channel_idintegerChannel ID to filter resources retrieved
    channel_order_idintegerChannel order ID to filter resources retrieved
    channel_order_numberstringChannel order number to filter resources retrieved
    order_date_miniso-8601Minimum order date / time to filter resources retrieved
    order_date_maxiso-8601Maximum order date / time to filter resources retrieved
    status_idintegerOrder status ID to filter resources retrieved
    1 = Pending, 2 = Completed, 3 = Cancelled
    custom_status_idintegerOrder custom status ID to filter resources retrieved
    custom_status_idsintegerComma or pipe delimited list of order custom status IDs to filter resources retrieved
    paidbooleanPaid flag to filter resources retrieved
    user_idintegerUser ID to filter resources retrieved
    email_addressstringEmail address to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    allow_contactbooleanAllow contact flag to filter resources retrieved
    filter_addressintegerOptional address type to match when filtering resources retrieved
    1 = Billing, 2 = Delivery
    first_namestringFirst name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    last_namestringLast name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    company_namestringCompany name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1 to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    town_citystringTown / city to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    postcodestringPostcode to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code to filter resources retrieved
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    referencestringReference to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    payment_methodstringPayment method to filter resources retrieved
    applepay, bank_transfer, card, cheque, credit_account, googlepay, klarna, offline, paypal
    voucher_codestringVoucher code to filter resources retrieved
    coupon_codestringCoupon code to filter resources retrieved
    shipping_method_idintegerShipping method ID to filter resources retrieved
    ip_addressstringIP address to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    affiliate_idintegerAffiliate ID to filter resources retrieved
    skustringProduct or variant SKU to filter resources retrieved
    skusstringComma or pipe delimited list of product or variant SKUs to filter resources retrieved
    bar_codestringProduct or variant bar code to filter resources retrieved
    part_numberstringProduct or variant part number to filter resources retrieved
    titlestringResource title to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    brand_idintegerBrand ID to filter resources retrieved
    supplier_idintegerSupplier ID to filter resources retrieved
    modified_sinceiso-8601Modified since date / time to filter resources retrieved
    fieldsstringComma or pipe delimited list of fields to retrieve
    sortstringField to sort resources retrieved by
    id, order_number, order_date
    orderstringOrder to apply to sorted resources
    asc, desc
    limitintegerNumber of resources to retrieve
    pageintegerPage number of limited resources to retrieve
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • GET
    Retrieve single order/orders/:id
    fieldsstringComma or pipe delimited list of fields to retrieve
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • GET
    Count orders/orders/count
    idsstringComma or pipe delimited list of resource IDs to retrieve
    order_numberstringOrder number to filter resources retrieved
    order_numbersstringComma or pipe delimited list of order numbers to filter resources retrieved
    channel_idintegerChannel ID to filter resources retrieved
    channel_order_idintegerChannel order ID to filter resources retrieved
    channel_order_numberstringChannel order number to filter resources retrieved
    order_date_miniso-8601Minimum order date / time to filter resources retrieved
    order_date_maxiso-8601Maximum order date / time to filter resources retrieved
    status_idintegerOrder status ID to filter resources retrieved
    1 = Pending, 2 = Completed, 3 = Cancelled
    custom_status_idintegerOrder custom status ID to filter resources retrieved
    custom_status_idsintegerComma or pipe delimited list of order custom status IDs to filter resources retrieved
    paidbooleanPaid flag to filter resources retrieved
    user_idintegerUser ID to filter resources retrieved
    email_addressstringEmail address to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    allow_contactbooleanAllow contact flag to filter resources retrieved
    filter_addressintegerOptional address type to match when filtering resources retrieved
    1 = Billing, 2 = Delivery
    first_namestringFirst name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    last_namestringLast name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    company_namestringCompany name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1 to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    town_citystringTown / city to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    postcodestringPostcode to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code to filter resources retrieved
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    referencestringReference to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    payment_methodstringPayment method to filter resources retrieved
    applepay, bank_transfer, card, cheque, credit_account, googlepay, klarna, offline, paypal
    voucher_codestringVoucher code to filter resources retrieved
    coupon_codestringCoupon code to filter resources retrieved
    shipping_method_idintegerShipping method ID to filter resources retrieved
    ip_addressstringIP address to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    affiliate_idintegerAffiliate ID to filter resources retrieved
    skustringProduct or variant SKU to filter resources retrieved
    skusstringComma or pipe delimited list of product or variant SKUs to filter resources retrieved
    bar_codestringProduct or variant bar code to filter resources retrieved
    part_numberstringProduct or variant part number to filter resources retrieved
    titlestringResource title to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    brand_idintegerBrand ID to filter resources retrieved
    supplier_idintegerSupplier ID to filter resources retrieved
    modified_sinceiso-8601Modified since date / time to filter resources retrieved
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • POST
    Create one or more orders/orders
    channel►  Expand SingletonobjectChannel
    orders  >  channel
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    order_idintegerOrder ID
    order_numberstringOrder number
    orders  >  channel
    invoice_numberstringInvoice number
    order_dateiso-8601Order date
    invoice_dateiso-8601Invoice date
    due_dateiso-8601Due date
    delivery_dateiso-8601Delivery date
    despatch_dateiso-8601Despatch date
    status►  Expand SingletonobjectStatus
    orders  >  status
    id ORintegerID
    1 = Pending, 2 = Completed, 3 = Cancelled
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  status
    custom_status►  Expand SingletonobjectCustom status
    orders  >  custom_status
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  custom_status
    paid_oniso-8601Paid on
    placed_bystringPlaced by
    completed_oniso-8601Completed on
    completed_bystringCompleted by
    user_idintegerUser ID
    email_addressstringEmail address
    allow_contactbooleanAllow contact
    billing_address►  Expand SingletonobjectBilling address
    orders  >  billing_address
    title_idintegerTitle ID
    1 = Mr, 2 = Mrs, 3 = Miss, 4 = Ms, 5 = Dr
    first_namestringFirst name
    last_namestringLast name
    company_namestringCompany name
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1
    address_line_2stringAddress line 2
    town_citystringTown / city
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number
    vat_numberstringVAT number
    eori_numberstringEORI number
    facebook_idstringFacebook ID
    orders  >  billing_address
    delivery_address►  Expand SingletonobjectDelivery address
    orders  >  delivery_address
    title_idintegerTitle ID
    1 = Mr, 2 = Mrs, 3 = Miss, 4 = Ms, 5 = Dr
    first_namestringFirst name
    last_namestringLast name
    company_namestringCompany name
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1
    address_line_2stringAddress line 2
    town_citystringTown / city
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number
    orders  >  delivery_address
    currency_codeiso-4217-a3Currency code
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    vat_basestringVAT base
    inc, exc
    payment_method►  Expand SingletonobjectPayment method
    orders  >  payment_method
    applepay, bank_transfer, card, cheque, credit_account, googlepay, klarna, offline, paypal
    card_typestringCard type
    card_digitsstringCard digits
    orders  >  payment_method
    payment_checks►  Expand SingletonobjectPayment checks
    orders  >  payment_checks
    avs_addressstringAVS address
    avs_postcodestringAVS postcode
    orders  >  payment_checks
    payment_idstringPayment ID
    payment_typestringPayment type
    instant, defer, auth, cancel
    payment_takenfloatPayment taken
    payment_refundedfloatPayment refunded
    voucher_codestringVoucher code
    voucher_totalfloatVoucher total
    points_usedintegerPoints used
    points_totalfloatPoints total
    products►  Expand CollectionarrayProducts
    #1orders  >  products
    sku ORstringSKU
    variant_id ORstringVariant ID
    product_sku ORstringProduct SKU
    product_id ORintegerProduct ID
    bar_codestringBar code
    part_numberstringPart number
    variant_titlestringVariant title
    category►  Expand SingletonobjectCategory
    orders  >  products  >  category
    id ORintegerID
    title_path ORstringTitle path
    orders  >  products  >  category
    brand►  Expand SingletonobjectBrand
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    supplier►  Expand SingletonobjectSupplier
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    product_file►  Expand SingletonobjectProduct file
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    file_group►  Expand SingletonobjectFile group
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    bundled►  Expand SingletonobjectBundled
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    parent_id ORintegerParent ID
    parent_sku ORstringParent SKU
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    gift_voucherbooleanGift voucher
    commodity_codestringCommodity code
    country_of_originiso-3166-1-a2Country of origin
    quantity_pickedintegerQuantity picked
    quantity_shippedintegerQuantity shipped
    quantity_refundedintegerQuantity refunded
    warehouse_locationstringWarehouse location
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    price_cost_exc_vatfloatPrice cost exc VAT
    price_cost_inc_vatfloatPrice cost inc VAT
    price_cost_vatfloatPrice cost VAT
    price_full_exc_vatfloatPrice full exc VAT
    price_full_inc_vatfloatPrice full inc VAT
    price_full_vatfloatPrice full VAT
    price_paid_exc_vatfloatPrice paid exc VAT
    price_paid_inc_vatfloatPrice paid inc VAT
    price_paid_vatfloatPrice paid VAT
    addition_lines►  Expand CollectionarrayAddition lines
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    additions►  Expand CollectionarrayAdditions
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    field►  Expand SingletonobjectField
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    fields►  Expand CollectionarrayFields
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    image_urlstringImage URL
    Add Another +orders  >  products
    discount_total_exc_vatfloatDiscount total exc VAT
    discount_total_inc_vatfloatDiscount total inc VAT
    coupon_codestringCoupon code
    coupon_total_exc_vatfloatCoupon total exc VAT
    coupon_total_inc_vatfloatCoupon total inc VAT
    weight_totalfloatWeight total
    shipping_method►  Expand SingletonobjectShipping method
    orders  >  shipping_method
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  shipping_method
    shipping_vat_ratefloatShipping VAT rate
    shipping_total_exc_vatfloatShipping total exc VAT
    shipping_total_inc_vatfloatShipping total inc VAT
    shipping_total_vatfloatShipping total VAT
    ddp_dutiesfloatDdp duties
    ddp_feesfloatDdp fees
    ddp_taxesfloatDdp taxes
    total_exc_vatfloatTotal exc VAT
    total_inc_vatfloatTotal inc VAT
    total_vatfloatTotal VAT
    refunded_totalfloatRefunded total
    points_earnedintegerPoints earned
    ip_addressstringIP address
    device_typestringDevice type
    desktop, tablet, mobile
    site_versionstringSite version
    desktop, mobile
    affiliate►  Expand SingletonobjectAffiliate
    orders  >  affiliate
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  affiliate
    referring_domainstringReferring domain
    referring_searchstringReferring search
    customer_commentsstringCustomer comments
    admin_commentsstringAdmin comments
    admin_comments_publicbooleanAdmin comments public
    safe_placestringSafe place
    do_processbooleanDo: Process
    Perform order processing actions, required for all available actions, effective only for existing orders
    do_send_emailbooleanDo: Send email
    Send an email to the customer
    do_take_paymentbooleanDo: Take payment
    Take any outstanding payment, limited to supported payment processors
    do_take_amountfloatDo: Take amount
    Take a specific payment amount
    do_refund_paymentbooleanDo: Refund payment
    Refund the payment, limited to supported payment processors
    do_refund_amountfloatDo: Refund amount
    Refund a specific amount, required for all refund requests
    do_tracking_numberstringDo: Tracking number
    Add a tracking number to any despatch notes created during order processing
    do_append_to_emailstringDo: Append to email
    Append a line of text to the customer's email
    do_send_confirmationbooleanDo: Send confirmation
    Send the order confirmation email to the customer
    Add Another +orders
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • PUT
    Update one or more orders/orders
    id ORintegerID
    order_number ORstringOrder number
    channel►  Expand SingletonobjectChannel
    orders  >  channel
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    order_idintegerOrder ID
    order_numberstringOrder number
    orders  >  channel
    invoice_numberstringInvoice number
    order_dateiso-8601Order date
    invoice_dateiso-8601Invoice date
    due_dateiso-8601Due date
    delivery_dateiso-8601Delivery date
    despatch_dateiso-8601Despatch date
    status►  Expand SingletonobjectStatus
    orders  >  status
    id ORintegerID
    1 = Pending, 2 = Completed, 3 = Cancelled
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  status
    custom_status►  Expand SingletonobjectCustom status
    orders  >  custom_status
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  custom_status
    paid_oniso-8601Paid on
    placed_bystringPlaced by
    completed_oniso-8601Completed on
    completed_bystringCompleted by
    user_idintegerUser ID
    email_addressstringEmail address
    allow_contactbooleanAllow contact
    billing_address►  Expand SingletonobjectBilling address
    orders  >  billing_address
    title_idintegerTitle ID
    1 = Mr, 2 = Mrs, 3 = Miss, 4 = Ms, 5 = Dr
    first_namestringFirst name
    last_namestringLast name
    company_namestringCompany name
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1
    address_line_2stringAddress line 2
    town_citystringTown / city
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number
    vat_numberstringVAT number
    eori_numberstringEORI number
    facebook_idstringFacebook ID
    orders  >  billing_address
    delivery_address►  Expand SingletonobjectDelivery address
    orders  >  delivery_address
    title_idintegerTitle ID
    1 = Mr, 2 = Mrs, 3 = Miss, 4 = Ms, 5 = Dr
    first_namestringFirst name
    last_namestringLast name
    company_namestringCompany name
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1
    address_line_2stringAddress line 2
    town_citystringTown / city
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number
    orders  >  delivery_address
    currency_codeiso-4217-a3Currency code
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    vat_basestringVAT base
    inc, exc
    payment_method►  Expand SingletonobjectPayment method
    orders  >  payment_method
    applepay, bank_transfer, card, cheque, credit_account, googlepay, klarna, offline, paypal
    card_typestringCard type
    card_digitsstringCard digits
    orders  >  payment_method
    payment_checks►  Expand SingletonobjectPayment checks
    orders  >  payment_checks
    avs_addressstringAVS address
    avs_postcodestringAVS postcode
    orders  >  payment_checks
    payment_idstringPayment ID
    payment_typestringPayment type
    instant, defer, auth, cancel
    payment_takenfloatPayment taken
    payment_refundedfloatPayment refunded
    voucher_codestringVoucher code
    voucher_totalfloatVoucher total
    points_usedintegerPoints used
    points_totalfloatPoints total
    products►  Expand CollectionarrayProducts
    #1orders  >  products
    sku ORstringSKU
    variant_id ORstringVariant ID
    product_sku ORstringProduct SKU
    product_id ORintegerProduct ID
    bar_codestringBar code
    part_numberstringPart number
    variant_titlestringVariant title
    category►  Expand SingletonobjectCategory
    orders  >  products  >  category
    id ORintegerID
    title_path ORstringTitle path
    orders  >  products  >  category
    brand►  Expand SingletonobjectBrand
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    supplier►  Expand SingletonobjectSupplier
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    product_file►  Expand SingletonobjectProduct file
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    file_group►  Expand SingletonobjectFile group
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    bundled►  Expand SingletonobjectBundled
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    parent_id ORintegerParent ID
    parent_sku ORstringParent SKU
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    gift_voucherbooleanGift voucher
    commodity_codestringCommodity code
    country_of_originiso-3166-1-a2Country of origin
    quantity_pickedintegerQuantity picked
    quantity_shippedintegerQuantity shipped
    quantity_refundedintegerQuantity refunded
    warehouse_locationstringWarehouse location
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    price_cost_exc_vatfloatPrice cost exc VAT
    price_cost_inc_vatfloatPrice cost inc VAT
    price_cost_vatfloatPrice cost VAT
    price_full_exc_vatfloatPrice full exc VAT
    price_full_inc_vatfloatPrice full inc VAT
    price_full_vatfloatPrice full VAT
    price_paid_exc_vatfloatPrice paid exc VAT
    price_paid_inc_vatfloatPrice paid inc VAT
    price_paid_vatfloatPrice paid VAT
    addition_lines►  Expand CollectionarrayAddition lines
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    additions►  Expand CollectionarrayAdditions
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    field►  Expand SingletonobjectField
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    fields►  Expand CollectionarrayFields
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    image_urlstringImage URL
    Add Another +orders  >  products
    discount_total_exc_vatfloatDiscount total exc VAT
    discount_total_inc_vatfloatDiscount total inc VAT
    coupon_codestringCoupon code
    coupon_total_exc_vatfloatCoupon total exc VAT
    coupon_total_inc_vatfloatCoupon total inc VAT
    weight_totalfloatWeight total
    shipping_method►  Expand SingletonobjectShipping method
    orders  >  shipping_method
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  shipping_method
    shipping_vat_ratefloatShipping VAT rate
    shipping_total_exc_vatfloatShipping total exc VAT
    shipping_total_inc_vatfloatShipping total inc VAT
    shipping_total_vatfloatShipping total VAT
    ddp_dutiesfloatDdp duties
    ddp_feesfloatDdp fees
    ddp_taxesfloatDdp taxes
    total_exc_vatfloatTotal exc VAT
    total_inc_vatfloatTotal inc VAT
    total_vatfloatTotal VAT
    refunded_totalfloatRefunded total
    points_earnedintegerPoints earned
    ip_addressstringIP address
    device_typestringDevice type
    desktop, tablet, mobile
    site_versionstringSite version
    desktop, mobile
    affiliate►  Expand SingletonobjectAffiliate
    orders  >  affiliate
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  affiliate
    referring_domainstringReferring domain
    referring_searchstringReferring search
    customer_commentsstringCustomer comments
    admin_commentsstringAdmin comments
    admin_comments_publicbooleanAdmin comments public
    safe_placestringSafe place
    do_processbooleanDo: Process
    Perform order processing actions, required for all available actions, effective only for existing orders
    do_send_emailbooleanDo: Send email
    Send an email to the customer
    do_take_paymentbooleanDo: Take payment
    Take any outstanding payment, limited to supported payment processors
    do_take_amountfloatDo: Take amount
    Take a specific payment amount
    do_refund_paymentbooleanDo: Refund payment
    Refund the payment, limited to supported payment processors
    do_refund_amountfloatDo: Refund amount
    Refund a specific amount, required for all refund requests
    do_tracking_numberstringDo: Tracking number
    Add a tracking number to any despatch notes created during order processing
    do_append_to_emailstringDo: Append to email
    Append a line of text to the customer's email
    do_send_confirmationbooleanDo: Send confirmation
    Send the order confirmation email to the customer
    Add Another +orders
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • PUT
    Update single order/orders/:id
    channel►  Expand SingletonobjectChannel
    orders  >  channel
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    order_idintegerOrder ID
    order_numberstringOrder number
    orders  >  channel
    invoice_numberstringInvoice number
    order_dateiso-8601Order date
    invoice_dateiso-8601Invoice date
    due_dateiso-8601Due date
    delivery_dateiso-8601Delivery date
    despatch_dateiso-8601Despatch date
    status►  Expand SingletonobjectStatus
    orders  >  status
    id ORintegerID
    1 = Pending, 2 = Completed, 3 = Cancelled
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  status
    custom_status►  Expand SingletonobjectCustom status
    orders  >  custom_status
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  custom_status
    paid_oniso-8601Paid on
    placed_bystringPlaced by
    completed_oniso-8601Completed on
    completed_bystringCompleted by
    user_idintegerUser ID
    email_addressstringEmail address
    allow_contactbooleanAllow contact
    billing_address►  Expand SingletonobjectBilling address
    orders  >  billing_address
    title_idintegerTitle ID
    1 = Mr, 2 = Mrs, 3 = Miss, 4 = Ms, 5 = Dr
    first_namestringFirst name
    last_namestringLast name
    company_namestringCompany name
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1
    address_line_2stringAddress line 2
    town_citystringTown / city
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number
    vat_numberstringVAT number
    eori_numberstringEORI number
    facebook_idstringFacebook ID
    orders  >  billing_address
    delivery_address►  Expand SingletonobjectDelivery address
    orders  >  delivery_address
    title_idintegerTitle ID
    1 = Mr, 2 = Mrs, 3 = Miss, 4 = Ms, 5 = Dr
    first_namestringFirst name
    last_namestringLast name
    company_namestringCompany name
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1
    address_line_2stringAddress line 2
    town_citystringTown / city
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number
    orders  >  delivery_address
    currency_codeiso-4217-a3Currency code
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    vat_basestringVAT base
    inc, exc
    payment_method►  Expand SingletonobjectPayment method
    orders  >  payment_method
    applepay, bank_transfer, card, cheque, credit_account, googlepay, klarna, offline, paypal
    card_typestringCard type
    card_digitsstringCard digits
    orders  >  payment_method
    payment_checks►  Expand SingletonobjectPayment checks
    orders  >  payment_checks
    avs_addressstringAVS address
    avs_postcodestringAVS postcode
    orders  >  payment_checks
    payment_idstringPayment ID
    payment_typestringPayment type
    instant, defer, auth, cancel
    payment_takenfloatPayment taken
    payment_refundedfloatPayment refunded
    voucher_codestringVoucher code
    voucher_totalfloatVoucher total
    points_usedintegerPoints used
    points_totalfloatPoints total
    products►  Expand CollectionarrayProducts
    #1orders  >  products
    sku ORstringSKU
    variant_id ORstringVariant ID
    product_sku ORstringProduct SKU
    product_id ORintegerProduct ID
    bar_codestringBar code
    part_numberstringPart number
    variant_titlestringVariant title
    category►  Expand SingletonobjectCategory
    orders  >  products  >  category
    id ORintegerID
    title_path ORstringTitle path
    orders  >  products  >  category
    brand►  Expand SingletonobjectBrand
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    supplier►  Expand SingletonobjectSupplier
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    product_file►  Expand SingletonobjectProduct file
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    file_group►  Expand SingletonobjectFile group
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    bundled►  Expand SingletonobjectBundled
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    parent_id ORintegerParent ID
    parent_sku ORstringParent SKU
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    gift_voucherbooleanGift voucher
    commodity_codestringCommodity code
    country_of_originiso-3166-1-a2Country of origin
    quantity_pickedintegerQuantity picked
    quantity_shippedintegerQuantity shipped
    quantity_refundedintegerQuantity refunded
    warehouse_locationstringWarehouse location
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    price_cost_exc_vatfloatPrice cost exc VAT
    price_cost_inc_vatfloatPrice cost inc VAT
    price_cost_vatfloatPrice cost VAT
    price_full_exc_vatfloatPrice full exc VAT
    price_full_inc_vatfloatPrice full inc VAT
    price_full_vatfloatPrice full VAT
    price_paid_exc_vatfloatPrice paid exc VAT
    price_paid_inc_vatfloatPrice paid inc VAT
    price_paid_vatfloatPrice paid VAT
    addition_lines►  Expand CollectionarrayAddition lines
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    additions►  Expand CollectionarrayAdditions
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    field►  Expand SingletonobjectField
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    fields►  Expand CollectionarrayFields
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    image_urlstringImage URL
    Add Another +orders  >  products
    discount_total_exc_vatfloatDiscount total exc VAT
    discount_total_inc_vatfloatDiscount total inc VAT
    coupon_codestringCoupon code
    coupon_total_exc_vatfloatCoupon total exc VAT
    coupon_total_inc_vatfloatCoupon total inc VAT
    weight_totalfloatWeight total
    shipping_method►  Expand SingletonobjectShipping method
    orders  >  shipping_method
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  shipping_method
    shipping_vat_ratefloatShipping VAT rate
    shipping_total_exc_vatfloatShipping total exc VAT
    shipping_total_inc_vatfloatShipping total inc VAT
    shipping_total_vatfloatShipping total VAT
    ddp_dutiesfloatDdp duties
    ddp_feesfloatDdp fees
    ddp_taxesfloatDdp taxes
    total_exc_vatfloatTotal exc VAT
    total_inc_vatfloatTotal inc VAT
    total_vatfloatTotal VAT
    refunded_totalfloatRefunded total
    points_earnedintegerPoints earned
    ip_addressstringIP address
    device_typestringDevice type
    desktop, tablet, mobile
    site_versionstringSite version
    desktop, mobile
    affiliate►  Expand SingletonobjectAffiliate
    orders  >  affiliate
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  affiliate
    referring_domainstringReferring domain
    referring_searchstringReferring search
    customer_commentsstringCustomer comments
    admin_commentsstringAdmin comments
    admin_comments_publicbooleanAdmin comments public
    safe_placestringSafe place
    do_processbooleanDo: Process
    Perform order processing actions, required for all available actions, effective only for existing orders
    do_send_emailbooleanDo: Send email
    Send an email to the customer
    do_take_paymentbooleanDo: Take payment
    Take any outstanding payment, limited to supported payment processors
    do_take_amountfloatDo: Take amount
    Take a specific payment amount
    do_refund_paymentbooleanDo: Refund payment
    Refund the payment, limited to supported payment processors
    do_refund_amountfloatDo: Refund amount
    Refund a specific amount, required for all refund requests
    do_tracking_numberstringDo: Tracking number
    Add a tracking number to any despatch notes created during order processing
    do_append_to_emailstringDo: Append to email
    Append a line of text to the customer's email
    do_send_confirmationbooleanDo: Send confirmation
    Send the order confirmation email to the customer
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
    Delete all orders/orders/all
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
    Delete single order/orders/:id
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body

 | TopExpand All Methods


Products belonging to sales orders
  • GET
    Retrieve products/orders/:id/products
    orders:  id
    idsstringComma or pipe delimited list of resource IDs to retrieve
    skustringProduct or variant SKU to filter resources retrieved
    skusstringComma or pipe delimited list of product or variant SKUs to filter resources retrieved
    bar_codestringProduct or variant bar code to filter resources retrieved
    part_numberstringProduct or variant part number to filter resources retrieved
    titlestringResource title to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    brand_idintegerBrand ID to filter resources retrieved
    supplier_idintegerSupplier ID to filter resources retrieved
    modified_sinceiso-8601Modified since date / time to filter resources retrieved
    fieldsstringComma or pipe delimited list of fields to retrieve
    sortstringField to sort resources retrieved by
    id, sku, title
    orderstringOrder to apply to sorted resources
    asc, desc
    limitintegerNumber of resources to retrieve
    pageintegerPage number of limited resources to retrieve
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • GET
    Retrieve single product/orders/:id/products/:id
    orders:  idinteger
    products:  idinteger
    fieldsstringComma or pipe delimited list of fields to retrieve
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • GET
    Count products/orders/:id/products/count
    orders:  idstring
    idsstringComma or pipe delimited list of resource IDs to retrieve
    skustringProduct or variant SKU to filter resources retrieved
    skusstringComma or pipe delimited list of product or variant SKUs to filter resources retrieved
    bar_codestringProduct or variant bar code to filter resources retrieved
    part_numberstringProduct or variant part number to filter resources retrieved
    titlestringResource title to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    brand_idintegerBrand ID to filter resources retrieved
    supplier_idintegerSupplier ID to filter resources retrieved
    modified_sinceiso-8601Modified since date / time to filter resources retrieved
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • POST
    Create one or more products/orders/:id/products
    orders:  id
    #1orders  >  products
    sku ORstringSKU
    variant_id ORstringVariant ID
    product_sku ORstringProduct SKU
    product_id ORintegerProduct ID
    bar_codestringBar code
    part_numberstringPart number
    variant_titlestringVariant title
    category►  Expand SingletonobjectCategory
    orders  >  products  >  category
    id ORintegerID
    title_path ORstringTitle path
    orders  >  products  >  category
    brand►  Expand SingletonobjectBrand
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    supplier►  Expand SingletonobjectSupplier
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    product_file►  Expand SingletonobjectProduct file
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    file_group►  Expand SingletonobjectFile group
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    bundled►  Expand SingletonobjectBundled
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    parent_id ORintegerParent ID
    parent_sku ORstringParent SKU
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    gift_voucherbooleanGift voucher
    commodity_codestringCommodity code
    country_of_originiso-3166-1-a2Country of origin
    quantity_pickedintegerQuantity picked
    quantity_shippedintegerQuantity shipped
    quantity_refundedintegerQuantity refunded
    warehouse_locationstringWarehouse location
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    price_cost_exc_vatfloatPrice cost exc VAT
    price_cost_inc_vatfloatPrice cost inc VAT
    price_cost_vatfloatPrice cost VAT
    price_full_exc_vatfloatPrice full exc VAT
    price_full_inc_vatfloatPrice full inc VAT
    price_full_vatfloatPrice full VAT
    price_paid_exc_vatfloatPrice paid exc VAT
    price_paid_inc_vatfloatPrice paid inc VAT
    price_paid_vatfloatPrice paid VAT
    addition_lines►  Expand CollectionarrayAddition lines
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    additions►  Expand CollectionarrayAdditions
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    field►  Expand SingletonobjectField
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    fields►  Expand CollectionarrayFields
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    image_urlstringImage URL
    Add Another +orders  >  products
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • PUT
    Update one or more products/orders/:id/products
    orders:  id
    #1orders  >  products
    id ORintegerID
    sku ORstringSKU
    variant_idstringVariant ID
    product_skustringProduct SKU
    bar_codestringBar code
    part_numberstringPart number
    variant_titlestringVariant title
    category►  Expand SingletonobjectCategory
    orders  >  products  >  category
    id ORintegerID
    title_path ORstringTitle path
    orders  >  products  >  category
    brand►  Expand SingletonobjectBrand
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    supplier►  Expand SingletonobjectSupplier
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    product_file►  Expand SingletonobjectProduct file
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    file_group►  Expand SingletonobjectFile group
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    bundled►  Expand SingletonobjectBundled
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    parent_id ORintegerParent ID
    parent_sku ORstringParent SKU
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    gift_voucherbooleanGift voucher
    commodity_codestringCommodity code
    country_of_originiso-3166-1-a2Country of origin
    quantity_pickedintegerQuantity picked
    quantity_shippedintegerQuantity shipped
    quantity_refundedintegerQuantity refunded
    warehouse_locationstringWarehouse location
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    price_cost_exc_vatfloatPrice cost exc VAT
    price_cost_inc_vatfloatPrice cost inc VAT
    price_cost_vatfloatPrice cost VAT
    price_full_exc_vatfloatPrice full exc VAT
    price_full_inc_vatfloatPrice full inc VAT
    price_full_vatfloatPrice full VAT
    price_paid_exc_vatfloatPrice paid exc VAT
    price_paid_inc_vatfloatPrice paid inc VAT
    price_paid_vatfloatPrice paid VAT
    addition_lines►  Expand CollectionarrayAddition lines
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    additions►  Expand CollectionarrayAdditions
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    field►  Expand SingletonobjectField
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    fields►  Expand CollectionarrayFields
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    image_urlstringImage URL
    Add Another +orders  >  products
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • PUT
    Update single product/orders/:id/products/:id
    orders:  idinteger
    products:  idinteger
    variant_idstringVariant ID
    product_skustringProduct SKU
    bar_codestringBar code
    part_numberstringPart number
    variant_titlestringVariant title
    category►  Expand SingletonobjectCategory
    orders  >  products  >  category
    id ORintegerID
    title_path ORstringTitle path
    orders  >  products  >  category
    brand►  Expand SingletonobjectBrand
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  brand
    supplier►  Expand SingletonobjectSupplier
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  supplier
    product_file►  Expand SingletonobjectProduct file
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    orders  >  products  >  product_file
    file_group►  Expand SingletonobjectFile group
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    orders  >  products  >  file_group
    bundled►  Expand SingletonobjectBundled
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    parent_id ORintegerParent ID
    parent_sku ORstringParent SKU
    orders  >  products  >  bundled
    gift_voucherbooleanGift voucher
    commodity_codestringCommodity code
    country_of_originiso-3166-1-a2Country of origin
    quantity_pickedintegerQuantity picked
    quantity_shippedintegerQuantity shipped
    quantity_refundedintegerQuantity refunded
    warehouse_locationstringWarehouse location
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    price_cost_exc_vatfloatPrice cost exc VAT
    price_cost_inc_vatfloatPrice cost inc VAT
    price_cost_vatfloatPrice cost VAT
    price_full_exc_vatfloatPrice full exc VAT
    price_full_inc_vatfloatPrice full inc VAT
    price_full_vatfloatPrice full VAT
    price_paid_exc_vatfloatPrice paid exc VAT
    price_paid_inc_vatfloatPrice paid inc VAT
    price_paid_vatfloatPrice paid VAT
    addition_lines►  Expand CollectionarrayAddition lines
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    additions►  Expand CollectionarrayAdditions
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    field►  Expand SingletonobjectField
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  field
    fields►  Expand CollectionarrayFields
    #1orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions  >  fields
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines  >  additions
    Add Another +orders  >  products  >  addition_lines
    image_urlstringImage URL
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
    Delete all products/orders/:id/products/all
    orders:  idstring
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
    Delete single product/orders/:id/products/:id
    orders:  idinteger
    products:  idinteger
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body

 | TopExpand All Methods


  • GET
    Retrieve products/products
    idsstringComma or pipe delimited list of resource IDs to retrieve
    skustringProduct or variant SKU to filter resources retrieved
    skusstringComma or pipe delimited list of product or variant SKUs to filter resources retrieved
    bar_codestringProduct or variant bar code to filter resources retrieved
    part_numberstringProduct or variant part number to filter resources retrieved
    titlestringResource title to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    url_textstringResource URL text to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    brand_idintegerBrand ID to filter resources retrieved
    supplier_idintegerSupplier ID to filter resources retrieved
    activebooleanActive flag to filter resources retrieved
    discontinuedbooleanDiscontinued flag to filter resources retrieved
    featured_globallybooleanFeatured globally flag to filter resources retrieved
    selling_price_minfloatMinimum selling price to filter resources retrieved
    selling_price_maxfloatMaximum selling price to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_stock_minintegerMinimum quantity in stock to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_stock_maxintegerMaximum quantity in stock to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_reserve_minintegerMinimum quantity in reserve to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_reserve_maxintegerMaximum quantity in reserve to filter resources retrieved
    category_idintegerCategory ID to filter resources retrieved
    import_codestringImport code to filter resources retrieved
    export_codestringExport code to filter resources retrieved
    modified_sinceiso-8601Modified since date / time to filter resources retrieved
    fieldsstringComma or pipe delimited list of fields to retrieve
    languagestringLanguage name determining the version of field values to retrieve
    currencystringCurrency name determining the version of field values to retrieve
    discountsstringApproval to apply public discounts or a user group name representing a selection of private discounts
    true = Public, user_group = Private
    vatstringApproval to apply or remove VAT contrary to the natural state of the product selling price
    true = Yes, false = No
    sortstringField to sort resources retrieved by
    id, sku, title
    orderstringOrder to apply to sorted resources
    asc, desc
    limitintegerNumber of resources to retrieve
    pageintegerPage number of limited resources to retrieve
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • GET
    Retrieve single product/products/:id
    fieldsstringComma or pipe delimited list of fields to retrieve
    languagestringLanguage name determining the version of field values to retrieve
    currencystringCurrency name determining the version of field values to retrieve
    discountsstringApproval to apply public discounts or a user group name representing a selection of private discounts
    true = Public, user_group = Private
    vatstringApproval to apply or remove VAT contrary to the natural state of the product selling price
    true = Yes, false = No
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • GET
    Count products/products/count
    idsstringComma or pipe delimited list of resource IDs to retrieve
    skustringProduct or variant SKU to filter resources retrieved
    skusstringComma or pipe delimited list of product or variant SKUs to filter resources retrieved
    bar_codestringProduct or variant bar code to filter resources retrieved
    part_numberstringProduct or variant part number to filter resources retrieved
    titlestringResource title to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    url_textstringResource URL text to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    brand_idintegerBrand ID to filter resources retrieved
    supplier_idintegerSupplier ID to filter resources retrieved
    activebooleanActive flag to filter resources retrieved
    discontinuedbooleanDiscontinued flag to filter resources retrieved
    featured_globallybooleanFeatured globally flag to filter resources retrieved
    selling_price_minfloatMinimum selling price to filter resources retrieved
    selling_price_maxfloatMaximum selling price to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_stock_minintegerMinimum quantity in stock to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_stock_maxintegerMaximum quantity in stock to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_reserve_minintegerMinimum quantity in reserve to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_reserve_maxintegerMaximum quantity in reserve to filter resources retrieved
    category_idintegerCategory ID to filter resources retrieved
    import_codestringImport code to filter resources retrieved
    export_codestringExport code to filter resources retrieved
    modified_sinceiso-8601Modified since date / time to filter resources retrieved
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • POST
    Create one or more products/products
    bar_codestringBar code
    part_numberstringPart number
    url_textstringURL text
    brand►  Expand SingletonobjectBrand
    products  >  brand
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    products  >  brand
    supplier►  Expand SingletonobjectSupplier
    products  >  supplier
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    products  >  supplier
    featured_globallybooleanFeatured globally
    release_dateiso-8601Release date
    new, refurbished, used, used_likenew, used_verygood, used_good, used_acceptable
    product_file►  Expand SingletonobjectProduct file
    products  >  product_file
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    products  >  product_file
    file_group►  Expand SingletonobjectFile group
    products  >  file_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    products  >  file_group
    optional_extrabooleanOptional extra
    gift_cardbooleanGift card
    gift_voucherbooleanGift voucher
    short_descriptionstringShort description
    page_contentstringPage content
    additional_contentstringAdditional content
    product_tabs►  Expand CollectionarrayProduct tabs
    #1products  >  product_tabs
    id ORintegerID
    title ORstringTitle
    Add Another +products  >  product_tabs
    large_image►  Expand SingletonobjectLarge image
    products  >  large_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    products  >  large_image
    main_image►  Expand SingletonobjectMain image
    products  >  main_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    products  >  main_image
    thumbnail_image►  Expand SingletonobjectThumbnail image
    products  >  thumbnail_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    products  >  thumbnail_image
    basket_image►  Expand SingletonobjectBasket image
    products  >  basket_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    products  >  basket_image
    youtube_video_idstringYouTube video ID
    product_label►  Expand SingletonobjectProduct label
    products  >  product_label
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    products  >  product_label
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    tax_codestringTax code
    pricing_codestringPricing code
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    low_stock_thresholdintegerLow stock threshold
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    maximum_per_orderintegerMaximum per order
    sell_multiples_ofintegerSell multiples of
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    Add Another +products  >  options
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    part_numberstringPart number
    vat_ratestringVAT rate
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    list_pricestringList price
    cost_pricestringCost price
    commodity_codestringCommodity code
    country_of_originiso-3166-1-a2Country of origin
    quantity_in_stockstringQuantity in stock
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    low_stock_thresholdstringLow stock threshold
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    export_codestringExport code
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    Create any submitted categories that do not already exist
    do_create_brandbooleanDo: Create brand
    Create the submitted brand if it does not already exist
    do_create_attributesbooleanDo: Create attributes
    Create any submitted attributes that do not already exist
    do_create_optionsbooleanDo: Create options
    Create any submitted options that do not already exist
    do_create_additionsbooleanDo: Create additions
    Create any submitted additions that do not already exist
    Add Another +products
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • PUT
    Update one or more products/products
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    cost_pricefloatCost price
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    free_shippingintegerFree shipping
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    low_stock_thresholdintegerLow stock threshold
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    maximum_per_orderintegerMaximum per order
    sell_multiples_ofintegerSell multiples of
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    selling_pricestringSelling price
    list_pricestringList price
    cost_pricestringCost price
    commodity_codestringCommodity code
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    low_stock_thresholdstringLow stock threshold
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    products  >  variants  >  thumbnail_image
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    url ORstringURL
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    export_codestringExport code
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    Create any submitted categories that do not already exist
    do_create_brandbooleanDo: Create brand
    Create the submitted brand if it does not already exist
    do_create_attributesbooleanDo: Create attributes
    Create any submitted attributes that do not already exist
    do_create_optionsbooleanDo: Create options
    Create any submitted options that do not already exist
    do_create_additionsbooleanDo: Create additions
    Create any submitted additions that do not already exist
    Add Another +products
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • PUT
    Update single product/products/:id
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    url ORstringURL
    products  >  product_file
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    name ORstringName
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    maximum_per_orderintegerMaximum per order
    sell_multiples_ofintegerSell multiples of
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    url ORstringURL
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    products  >  variants  >  main_image
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    products  >  variants  >  additional_images  >  main_image
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    Add Another +products  >  variants
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    Add Another +products  >  additions
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    export_codestringExport code
    google_categorystringGoogle category
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    custom_data_10stringCustom data 10
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    products  >  additional_images  >  large_image
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    url ORstringURL
    products  >  additional_images  >  main_image
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    products  >  additional_images  >  video
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    Create any submitted categories that do not already exist
    do_create_brandbooleanDo: Create brand
    Create the submitted brand if it does not already exist
    do_create_attributesbooleanDo: Create attributes
    Create any submitted attributes that do not already exist
    do_create_optionsbooleanDo: Create options
    Create any submitted options that do not already exist
    do_create_additionsbooleanDo: Create additions
    Create any submitted additions that do not already exist
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
    Delete all products/products/all
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
    Delete single product/products/:id
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
    Delete filtered products/products
    idsstringComma or pipe delimited list of resource IDs to delete
    skustringProduct SKU to delete
    skusstringComma or pipe delimited list of product SKUs to delete
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body

 | TopExpand All Methods


Product and variant SKUs as full products
  • GET
    Retrieve SKUs/skus
    skustringVariant SKU to filter resources retrieved
    skusstringComma or pipe delimited list of variant SKUs to filter resources retrieved
    variant_idstringVariant ID to filter resources retrieved
    product_skustringProduct SKU to filter resources retrieved
    product_idstringProduct ID to filter resources retrieved
    bar_codestringVariant bar code to filter resources retrieved
    part_numberstringVariant part number to filter resources retrieved
    titlestringResource title to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    url_textstringResource URL text to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    brand_idintegerBrand ID to filter resources retrieved
    supplier_idintegerSupplier ID to filter resources retrieved
    activebooleanActive flag to filter resources retrieved
    discontinuedbooleanDiscontinued flag to filter resources retrieved
    featured_globallybooleanFeatured globally flag to filter resources retrieved
    selling_price_minfloatMinimum selling price to filter resources retrieved
    selling_price_maxfloatMaximum selling price to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_stock_minintegerMinimum quantity in stock to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_stock_maxintegerMaximum quantity in stock to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_reserve_minintegerMinimum quantity in reserve to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_reserve_maxintegerMaximum quantity in reserve to filter resources retrieved
    category_idintegerCategory ID to filter resources retrieved
    import_codestringImport code to filter resources retrieved
    export_codestringExport code to filter resources retrieved
    modified_sinceiso-8601Modified since date / time to filter resources retrieved
    fieldsstringComma or pipe delimited list of fields to retrieve
    languagestringLanguage name determining the version of field values to retrieve
    currencystringCurrency name determining the version of field values to retrieve
    discountsstringApproval to apply public discounts or a user group name representing a selection of private discounts
    true = Public, user_group = Private
    vatstringApproval to apply or remove VAT contrary to the natural state of the product selling price
    true = Yes, false = No
    sortstringField to sort resources retrieved by
    product_sku, product_id, title
    orderstringOrder to apply to sorted resources
    asc, desc
    limitintegerNumber of resources to retrieve
    pageintegerPage number of limited resources to retrieve
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • GET
    Retrieve single SKU/skus/:sku
    fieldsstringComma or pipe delimited list of fields to retrieve
    languagestringLanguage name determining the version of field values to retrieve
    currencystringCurrency name determining the version of field values to retrieve
    discountsstringApproval to apply public discounts or a user group name representing a selection of private discounts
    true = Public, user_group = Private
    vatstringApproval to apply or remove VAT contrary to the natural state of the product selling price
    true = Yes, false = No
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • GET
    Count SKUs/skus/count
    skustringVariant SKU to filter resources retrieved
    skusstringComma or pipe delimited list of variant SKUs to filter resources retrieved
    variant_idstringVariant ID to filter resources retrieved
    product_skustringProduct SKU to filter resources retrieved
    product_idstringProduct ID to filter resources retrieved
    bar_codestringVariant bar code to filter resources retrieved
    part_numberstringVariant part number to filter resources retrieved
    titlestringResource title to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    url_textstringResource URL text to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    brand_idintegerBrand ID to filter resources retrieved
    supplier_idintegerSupplier ID to filter resources retrieved
    activebooleanActive flag to filter resources retrieved
    discontinuedbooleanDiscontinued flag to filter resources retrieved
    featured_globallybooleanFeatured globally flag to filter resources retrieved
    selling_price_minfloatMinimum selling price to filter resources retrieved
    selling_price_maxfloatMaximum selling price to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_stock_minintegerMinimum quantity in stock to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_stock_maxintegerMaximum quantity in stock to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_reserve_minintegerMinimum quantity in reserve to filter resources retrieved
    quantity_in_reserve_maxintegerMaximum quantity in reserve to filter resources retrieved
    category_idintegerCategory ID to filter resources retrieved
    import_codestringImport code to filter resources retrieved
    export_codestringExport code to filter resources retrieved
    modified_sinceiso-8601Modified since date / time to filter resources retrieved
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • PUT
    Update one or more SKUs/skus
    bar_codestringBar code
    part_numberstringPart number
    product_file►  Expand SingletonobjectProduct file
    skus  >  product_file
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  product_file
    file_group►  Expand SingletonobjectFile group
    skus  >  file_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    skus  >  file_group
    large_image►  Expand SingletonobjectLarge image
    skus  >  large_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  large_image
    main_image►  Expand SingletonobjectMain image
    skus  >  main_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  main_image
    thumbnail_image►  Expand SingletonobjectThumbnail image
    skus  >  thumbnail_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  thumbnail_image
    basket_image►  Expand SingletonobjectBasket image
    skus  >  basket_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  basket_image
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    selling_pricefloatSelling price
    list_pricefloatList price
    cost_pricefloatCost price
    commodity_codestringCommodity code
    country_of_originiso-3166-1-a2Country of origin
    quantity_in_stockintegerQuantity in stock
    low_stock_thresholdintegerLow stock threshold
    warehouse_locationstringWarehouse location
    additional_images►  Expand CollectionarrayAdditional images
    #1skus  >  additional_images
    large_image►  Expand SingletonobjectLarge image
    skus  >  additional_images  >  large_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  additional_images  >  large_image
    main_image►  Expand SingletonobjectMain image
    skus  >  additional_images  >  main_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  additional_images  >  main_image
    video►  Expand SingletonobjectVideo
    skus  >  additional_images  >  video
    skus  >  additional_images  >  video
    Add Another +skus  >  additional_images
    do_add_quantityintegerDo: Add quantity
    Add the submitted value to the quantity in stock
    do_sub_quantityintegerDo: Sub quantity
    Subtract the submitted value from the quantity in stock
    Add Another +skus
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • PUT
    Update single SKU/skus/:sku
    bar_codestringBar code
    part_numberstringPart number
    product_file►  Expand SingletonobjectProduct file
    skus  >  product_file
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  product_file
    file_group►  Expand SingletonobjectFile group
    skus  >  file_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORstringName
    skus  >  file_group
    large_image►  Expand SingletonobjectLarge image
    skus  >  large_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  large_image
    main_image►  Expand SingletonobjectMain image
    skus  >  main_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  main_image
    thumbnail_image►  Expand SingletonobjectThumbnail image
    skus  >  thumbnail_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  thumbnail_image
    basket_image►  Expand SingletonobjectBasket image
    skus  >  basket_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  basket_image
    vat_ratefloatVAT rate
    selling_pricefloatSelling price
    list_pricefloatList price
    cost_pricefloatCost price
    commodity_codestringCommodity code
    country_of_originiso-3166-1-a2Country of origin
    quantity_in_stockintegerQuantity in stock
    low_stock_thresholdintegerLow stock threshold
    warehouse_locationstringWarehouse location
    additional_images►  Expand CollectionarrayAdditional images
    #1skus  >  additional_images
    large_image►  Expand SingletonobjectLarge image
    skus  >  additional_images  >  large_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  additional_images  >  large_image
    main_image►  Expand SingletonobjectMain image
    skus  >  additional_images  >  main_image
    value ORstringValue
    url ORstringURL
    skus  >  additional_images  >  main_image
    video►  Expand SingletonobjectVideo
    skus  >  additional_images  >  video
    skus  >  additional_images  >  video
    Add Another +skus  >  additional_images
    do_add_quantityintegerDo: Add quantity
    Add the submitted value to the quantity in stock
    do_sub_quantityintegerDo: Sub quantity
    Subtract the submitted value from the quantity in stock
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body

 | TopExpand All Methods


Complete category tree

 | TopExpand All Methods


  • GET
    Retrieve users/users
    idsstringComma or pipe delimited list of resource IDs to retrieve
    email_addressstringEmail address to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    allow_contactbooleanAllow contact flag to filter resources retrieved
    user_group_idintegerUser group ID to filter resources retrieved
    invoice_email_addressstringInvoice email address to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    account_idstringAccount ID to filter resources retrieved
    first_namestringFirst name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    last_namestringLast name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    company_namestringCompany name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1 to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    town_citystringTown / city to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    postcodestringPostcode to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code to filter resources retrieved
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    ip_addressstringIP address to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    modified_sinceiso-8601Modified since date / time to filter resources retrieved
    fieldsstringComma or pipe delimited list of fields to retrieve
    sortstringField to sort resources retrieved by
    id, email_address, registered
    orderstringOrder to apply to sorted resources
    asc, desc
    limitintegerNumber of resources to retrieve
    pageintegerPage number of limited resources to retrieve
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • GET
    Retrieve single user/users/:id
    fieldsstringComma or pipe delimited list of fields to retrieve
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • GET
    Count users/users/count
    idsstringComma or pipe delimited list of resource IDs to retrieve
    email_addressstringEmail address to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    allow_contactbooleanAllow contact flag to filter resources retrieved
    user_group_idintegerUser group ID to filter resources retrieved
    invoice_email_addressstringInvoice email address to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    account_idstringAccount ID to filter resources retrieved
    first_namestringFirst name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    last_namestringLast name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    company_namestringCompany name to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1 to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    town_citystringTown / city to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    postcodestringPostcode to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code to filter resources retrieved
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    ip_addressstringIP address to filter resources retrieved
    * wildcards allowed
    modified_sinceiso-8601Modified since date / time to filter resources retrieved
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • POST
    Create one or more users/users
    email_addressstringEmail address
    allow_contactbooleanAllow contact
    user_group►  Expand SingletonobjectUser group
    users  >  user_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORintegerName
    users  >  user_group
    invoice_email_addressstringInvoice email address
    account_idstringAccount ID
    title_idintegerTitle ID
    1 = Mr, 2 = Mrs, 3 = Miss, 4 = Ms, 5 = Dr
    first_namestringFirst name
    last_namestringLast name
    date_of_birthiso-8601Date of birth
    company_namestringCompany name
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1
    address_line_2stringAddress line 2
    town_citystringTown / city
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number
    vat_numberstringVAT number
    eori_numberstringEORI number
    facebook_idstringFacebook ID
    credit_accountbooleanCredit account
    credit_limitintegerCredit limit
    credit_termsstringCredit terms
    loyalty_pointsintegerLoyalty points
    ip_addressstringIP address
    admin_commentsstringAdmin comments
    hide_public_categoriesbooleanHide public categories
    disable_public_discountsbooleanDisable public discounts
    disable_loyalty_pointsbooleanDisable loyalty points
    last_visitiso-8601Last visit
    do_send_emailbooleanDo: Send email
    Send an email to the user
    Add Another +users
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • PUT
    Update one or more users/users
    email_addressstringEmail address
    allow_contactbooleanAllow contact
    user_group►  Expand SingletonobjectUser group
    users  >  user_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORintegerName
    users  >  user_group
    invoice_email_addressstringInvoice email address
    account_idstringAccount ID
    title_idintegerTitle ID
    1 = Mr, 2 = Mrs, 3 = Miss, 4 = Ms, 5 = Dr
    first_namestringFirst name
    last_namestringLast name
    date_of_birthiso-8601Date of birth
    company_namestringCompany name
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1
    address_line_2stringAddress line 2
    town_citystringTown / city
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number
    vat_numberstringVAT number
    eori_numberstringEORI number
    facebook_idstringFacebook ID
    credit_accountbooleanCredit account
    credit_limitintegerCredit limit
    credit_termsstringCredit terms
    loyalty_pointsintegerLoyalty points
    ip_addressstringIP address
    admin_commentsstringAdmin comments
    hide_public_categoriesbooleanHide public categories
    disable_public_discountsbooleanDisable public discounts
    disable_loyalty_pointsbooleanDisable loyalty points
    last_visitiso-8601Last visit
    Add Another +users
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
  • PUT
    Update single user/users/:id
    email_addressstringEmail address
    allow_contactbooleanAllow contact
    user_group►  Expand SingletonobjectUser group
    users  >  user_group
    id ORintegerID
    name ORintegerName
    users  >  user_group
    invoice_email_addressstringInvoice email address
    account_idstringAccount ID
    title_idintegerTitle ID
    1 = Mr, 2 = Mrs, 3 = Miss, 4 = Ms, 5 = Dr
    first_namestringFirst name
    last_namestringLast name
    date_of_birthiso-8601Date of birth
    company_namestringCompany name
    address_line_1stringAddress line 1
    address_line_2stringAddress line 2
    town_citystringTown / city
    country_codeiso-3166-1-a2Country code
    telephone_numberstringTelephone number
    vat_numberstringVAT number
    eori_numberstringEORI number
    facebook_idstringFacebook ID
    credit_accountbooleanCredit account
    credit_limitintegerCredit limit
    credit_termsstringCredit terms
    loyalty_pointsintegerLoyalty points
    ip_addressstringIP address
    admin_commentsstringAdmin comments
    hide_public_categoriesbooleanHide public categories
    disable_public_discountsbooleanDisable public discounts
    disable_loyalty_pointsbooleanDisable loyalty points
    last_visitiso-8601Last visit
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
    Delete all users/users/all
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body
    Delete single user/users/:id
    Select AllRequest URL
    Select AllResponse Code
    Select AllResponse Headers
    Select AllResponse Content
    Select AllRequest Query String
    Select AllRequest Body

Glossary: API Request



Request HeadersThe request headers provide information regarding the HTTP request
Example:   User-Agent: Bluepark API Application
AuthorizationThe Base64 encoded "username:apikey" string required for HTTP Basic authentication
Example:   Authorization: Basic YXBpOjZlNWJkZmM4OGNhYmRjNTM3ZGNkYzNiNzc0Y2Y4NTZmM=
If-Modified-SinceThe optional RFC 2822 date and time to request resources modified since
Example:   If-Modified-Since: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 17:30:00 GMT



Request URLThe request URL is the endpoint used to send a request to the API, including the version number
ResourceA resource is an asset such as an order or a product, used in the API request URL
Sub-ResourceA sub-resource is an asset which belongs to another, such as a product belonging to an order
IdentifierAn identifier references a specific resource, used in the API request URL, often but not always numeric



Request Query StringThe request query string is a URL encoded group of name/value pairs, appended to the API request URL
Example:   ?limit=100&page=1
FilterA filter can be used within the request query string, filtering the resources returned
Example:   ?order_number=IN1001
FormatterA formatter can be used within the request query string, formatting the response, such as the fields returned
Example:   ?fields=order_number
PaginatorA paginator can be used within the request query string, limiting the response to a number or page of resources
Example:   ?limit=20&page=5



Request BodyThe request body is the content sent with the HTTP request, using standard JSON formatted data
Example:   { "order_number": "IN1001", "paid": true }
ParameterA parameter is used within the JSON request body, representing some aspect of a resource
Example:   { "order_number": "IN1001", "paid": true }
SingletonA singleton is an individual data structure, such as a single order, used in JSON requests and responses
Data Type:   object
CollectionA collection is a group of singletons, such as a collection of orders, used in JSON requests and responses
Data Type:   array
ISO 8601 Date / TimeAn ISO 8601 date can contain an optional time component after the date, delimited by a "T" character
Data Type:   iso-8601            Example:   2004-09-16T17:30:00+00:00
ISO 3166-1 Country CodeAn ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code contains 2 letters identifying the country
Data Type:   iso-3166-1-a2       Example:   GB
ISO 4217 Currency CodeAn ISO 4217 currency code contains 3 letters identifying the currency
Data Type:   iso-4217-a3         Example:   GBP



Request MethodAn HTTP request method represents an action to be taken on a singleton resource or a collection of resources
GETGET is an HTTP request method used to retrieve a resource, or associated information
POSTPOST is an HTTP request method used to create a resource, or update one if it already exists
PUTPUT is an HTTP request method used to update a resource that already exists
DELETEDELETE is an HTTP request method used to delete a resource permanently


Glossary: API Response



Response HeadersThe response headers provide information regarding the HTTP response
Example:   Server: Apache
StatusThe response code and status phrase relating to the request
Example:   Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Response-TypeThe response type, can be either a singleton or a collection
Example:   X-Response-Type: collection
X-Response-CountThe response count, the number of resources contained inside the collection returned
Example:   X-Response-Count: 100
X-Resource-NameThe resource name, identifying the resource, as submitted via the API request URL
Example:   X-Resource-Name: orders
X-Resource-CountThe resource count, the total number of resources available, subject to filters
Example:   X-Resource-Count: 500
X-Resource-PagesThe total number of resources available, divided by the resource limit
Example:   X-Resource-Pages: 5
X-Resource-LimitThe total number of resources to allow in a single page response, as per the paginator value submitted
Example:   X-Resource-Limit: 100
X-Resource-PageThe number of the page requested, as per the paginator value submitted
Example:   X-Resource-Page: 1
Last-ModifiedThe last modified date of the response data, can be used with the "If-Modified-Since" request header
Example:   Last-Modified: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 17:30:00 GMT
X-Requests-LimitThe total number of requests that can be made within a rolling one hour window
Example:   X-Requests-Limit: 1000
X-Requests-RemainingThe total number of requests remaining within a rolling one hour window
Example:   X-Requests-Remaining: 999
Content-TypeAll responses contain standard JSON formatted data
Example:   Content-Type: application/json



Response ContentThe response content is the singleton or collection sent with the HTTP response, using JSON data
The parameters returned when a GET API request is submitted can be viewed using the testing tool above
createdThe "created" parameter is returned when a POST API request is submitted
Example:   { "created": 1 }
updatedThe "updated" parameter is returned when a POST or PUT API request is submitted
Example:   { "updated": 2 }
unchangedThe "unchanged" parameter is returned when a POST or PUT API request is submitted
Example:   { "unchanged": 3 }
deletedThe "deleted" parameter is returned when a DELETE API request is submitted
Example:   { "deleted": 0 }
locationsThe "locations" parameter is returned when a POST API request is submitted, listing the created resource URLs
Example:   { "locations": [ "" ] }
errorThe "error" parameter is returned when an API request could not be fulfilled for any reason
Example:   { "error": { "code": 400, "phrase": "Bad Request", "message": "..." } }


Glossary: API Response Codes



200:  OKThe API request was received and fulfilled successfully
304:  Not ModifiedThe API request included the "If-Modified-Since" header and no recently modified resources were found
400:  Bad RequestThe API request was incorrect in some way, the "message" parameter in the JSON content will reveal more
401:  UnauthorizedThe API authentication process failed due to an invalid username, API key or both
403:  ForbiddenThe API request could not be fulfilled due to insufficient permissions associated with the username
404:  Not FoundThe API request could not be fulfilled due to the resource requested not being found
405:  Method Not AllowedThe method used in the API request could not be applied to the resource requested
406:  Not AcceptableThe content type being requested was not acceptable, such as XML, i.e. not "application/json"
413:  Request Entity Too LargeThe number of objects within the collection submitted exceeded the maximum resource limit, which is 100
415:  Unsupported media typeThe content type being received was not acceptable, such as XML, i.e. not "application/json"
429:  Too Many RequestsThe total number of requests made within a rolling one hour window exceed the "X-Requests-Limit" value
500:  Internal Server ErrorThe Bluepark server was unable to respond correctly