REST API SpecificationView GlossaryView and test all available resources and methodsThe following interactive tool enables developers to view and test all of the available resources and methods accessible via our REST API. Resources include assets such as orders and products. Methods include standard HTTP requests such as GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. The API accepts query string parameters for GET and DELETE requests, and JSON data for POST and PUT requests, always responding with standard JSON data. The API credentials below provide read only access to the site, our demonstration site. Feel free to enter your own Bluepark site's API credentials, but please note that this testing tool will never make changes to any sites, regardless of the permissions associated with the credentials. HTTP Basic authentication is required to access the API, via HTTPS - credentials and permissions are created via Admin Users | TopCollapse All Resources resources have been retrieved and can be explored below | TopExpand All MethodscompanyCompany information GET | Retrieve company information | /company |
| TopExpand All MethodsordersSales orders GET | Retrieve orders | /orders |
GET | Retrieve single order | /orders/:id |
GET | Count orders | /orders/count |
POST | Create one or more orders | /orders |
PUT | Update one or more orders | /orders |
PUT | Update single order | /orders/:id |
DELETE | Delete all orders | /orders/all |
DELETE | Delete single order | /orders/:id |
| TopExpand All Methodsorders/:id/productsProducts belonging to sales orders GET | Retrieve products | /orders/:id/products |
GET | Retrieve single product | /orders/:id/products/:id |
GET | Count products | /orders/:id/products/count |
POST | Create one or more products | /orders/:id/products |
PUT | Update one or more products | /orders/:id/products |
PUT | Update single product | /orders/:id/products/:id |
DELETE | Delete all products | /orders/:id/products/all |
DELETE | Delete single product | /orders/:id/products/:id |
| TopExpand All MethodsproductsProducts GET | Retrieve products | /products |
GET | Retrieve single product | /products/:id |
GET | Count products | /products/count |
POST | Create one or more products | /products |
PUT | Update one or more products | /products |
PUT | Update single product | /products/:id |
DELETE | Delete all products | /products/all |
DELETE | Delete single product | /products/:id |
DELETE | Delete filtered products | /products |
| TopExpand All MethodsskusProduct and variant SKUs as full products GET | Retrieve single SKU | /skus/:sku |
PUT | Update one or more SKUs | /skus |
PUT | Update single SKU | /skus/:sku |
| TopExpand All MethodstaxonomyComplete category tree GET | Retrieve category tree | /taxonomy |
GET | Count categories | /taxonomy/count |
| TopExpand All MethodsusersUsers GET | Retrieve single user | /users/:id |
GET | Count users | /users/count |
POST | Create one or more users | /users |
PUT | Update one or more users | /users |
PUT | Update single user | /users/:id |
DELETE | Delete all users | /users/all |
DELETE | Delete single user | /users/:id |
TopGlossary: API RequestTerm | Description | Request Headers | The request headers provide information regarding the HTTP request Example: User-Agent: Bluepark API Application | Authorization | The Base64 encoded "username:apikey" string required for HTTP Basic authentication Example: Authorization: Basic YXBpOjZlNWJkZmM4OGNhYmRjNTM3ZGNkYzNiNzc0Y2Y4NTZmM= | If-Modified-Since | The optional RFC 2822 date and time to request resources modified since Example: If-Modified-Since: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 17:30:00 GMT |
Term | Description | Request URL | The request URL is the endpoint used to send a request to the API, including the version number Example: | Resource | A resource is an asset such as an order or a product, used in the API request URL Example: | Sub-Resource | A sub-resource is an asset which belongs to another, such as a product belonging to an order Example: | Identifier | An identifier references a specific resource, used in the API request URL, often but not always numeric Example: |
Term | Description | Request Query String | The request query string is a URL encoded group of name/value pairs, appended to the API request URL Example: ?limit=100&page=1 | Filter | A filter can be used within the request query string, filtering the resources returned Example: ?order_number=IN1001 | Formatter | A formatter can be used within the request query string, formatting the response, such as the fields returned Example: ?fields=order_number | Paginator | A paginator can be used within the request query string, limiting the response to a number or page of resources Example: ?limit=20&page=5 |
Term | Description | Request Body | The request body is the content sent with the HTTP request, using standard JSON formatted data Example: { "order_number": "IN1001", "paid": true } | Parameter | A parameter is used within the JSON request body, representing some aspect of a resource Example: { "order_number": "IN1001", "paid": true } | Singleton | A singleton is an individual data structure, such as a single order, used in JSON requests and responses Data Type: object | Collection | A collection is a group of singletons, such as a collection of orders, used in JSON requests and responses Data Type: array | ISO 8601 Date / Time | An ISO 8601 date can contain an optional time component after the date, delimited by a "T" character Data Type: iso-8601 Example: 2004-09-16T17:30:00+00:00 | ISO 3166-1 Country Code | An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code contains 2 letters identifying the country Data Type: iso-3166-1-a2 Example: GB | ISO 4217 Currency Code | An ISO 4217 currency code contains 3 letters identifying the currency Data Type: iso-4217-a3 Example: GBP |
Term | Description | Request Method | An HTTP request method represents an action to be taken on a singleton resource or a collection of resources | GET | GET is an HTTP request method used to retrieve a resource, or associated information | POST | POST is an HTTP request method used to create a resource, or update one if it already exists | PUT | PUT is an HTTP request method used to update a resource that already exists | DELETE | DELETE is an HTTP request method used to delete a resource permanently |
TopGlossary: API ResponseTerm | Description | Response Headers | The response headers provide information regarding the HTTP response Example: Server: Apache | Status | The response code and status phrase relating to the request Example: Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK | X-Response-Type | The response type, can be either a singleton or a collection Example: X-Response-Type: collection | X-Response-Count | The response count, the number of resources contained inside the collection returned Example: X-Response-Count: 100 | X-Resource-Name | The resource name, identifying the resource, as submitted via the API request URL Example: X-Resource-Name: orders | X-Resource-Count | The resource count, the total number of resources available, subject to filters Example: X-Resource-Count: 500 | X-Resource-Pages | The total number of resources available, divided by the resource limit Example: X-Resource-Pages: 5 | X-Resource-Limit | The total number of resources to allow in a single page response, as per the paginator value submitted Example: X-Resource-Limit: 100 | X-Resource-Page | The number of the page requested, as per the paginator value submitted Example: X-Resource-Page: 1 | Last-Modified | The last modified date of the response data, can be used with the "If-Modified-Since" request header Example: Last-Modified: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 17:30:00 GMT | X-Requests-Limit | The total number of requests that can be made within a rolling one hour window Example: X-Requests-Limit: 1000 | X-Requests-Remaining | The total number of requests remaining within a rolling one hour window Example: X-Requests-Remaining: 999 | Content-Type | All responses contain standard JSON formatted data Example: Content-Type: application/json |
Term | Description | Response Content | The response content is the singleton or collection sent with the HTTP response, using JSON data The parameters returned when a GET API request is submitted can be viewed using the testing tool above | created | The "created" parameter is returned when a POST API request is submitted Example: { "created": 1 } | updated | The "updated" parameter is returned when a POST or PUT API request is submitted Example: { "updated": 2 } | unchanged | The "unchanged" parameter is returned when a POST or PUT API request is submitted Example: { "unchanged": 3 } | deleted | The "deleted" parameter is returned when a DELETE API request is submitted Example: { "deleted": 0 } | locations | The "locations" parameter is returned when a POST API request is submitted, listing the created resource URLs Example: { "locations": [ "" ] } | error | The "error" parameter is returned when an API request could not be fulfilled for any reason Example: { "error": { "code": 400, "phrase": "Bad Request", "message": "..." } } |
TopGlossary: API Response CodesTerm | Description | 200: OK | The API request was received and fulfilled successfully | 304: Not Modified | The API request included the "If-Modified-Since" header and no recently modified resources were found | 400: Bad Request | The API request was incorrect in some way, the "message" parameter in the JSON content will reveal more | 401: Unauthorized | The API authentication process failed due to an invalid username, API key or both | 403: Forbidden | The API request could not be fulfilled due to insufficient permissions associated with the username | 404: Not Found | The API request could not be fulfilled due to the resource requested not being found | 405: Method Not Allowed | The method used in the API request could not be applied to the resource requested | 406: Not Acceptable | The content type being requested was not acceptable, such as XML, i.e. not "application/json" | 413: Request Entity Too Large | The number of objects within the collection submitted exceeded the maximum resource limit, which is 100 | 415: Unsupported media type | The content type being received was not acceptable, such as XML, i.e. not "application/json" | 429: Too Many Requests | The total number of requests made within a rolling one hour window exceed the "X-Requests-Limit" value | 500: Internal Server Error | The Bluepark server was unable to respond correctly |