0345 466 2666 Mon - Fri: 9am - 5:30pm Sat - Sun: Email Only Calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes | Product EditorPropertiesThe Properties tab allows you to assign a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) to your product. The SKU is important as it constitutes the unique identifier for the product. The SKU can be a number, a product code or any combination of letters and numbers. However, it may be used only once within your product catalogue. Although it is possible to change SKUs once they have been created, it is unwise to do so. Products you have sold with identical SKUs will not reflect the changes you have made following sales. There is an optional field in which to store bar code data. This may contain an EAN, UPC or ISBN number which can be useful when exporting product data. The product title will be featured in the product list and at the top of product detail pages. Any Brand you have created via the Brands section may be assigned to the product. Similarly, a Supplier can be assigned if appropriate. Products may be prepared in advance of their release by specifying a future Release Date, enabling customers to place preorders. Intangible products are those which cannot be physically despatched, such as downloads or services, and they do not qualify for inventory management. Downloadable products, also referred to as virtual or "soft" goods, are those which may be served to your customers via a download link. The download link will appear in the customer's order detail page. The Product File which constitutes the download may be specified in the text field provided. Files for download should reside within the User directory. Strict rules pertaining to the download process may be imposed in Settings. Alternatively, a File Group may be specified which will be assigned to the customer's account following a successful order. If a product is marked as an Optional Extra, it will be featured in the Shopping Basket with an option to "Add to Your Order". This can be a helpful way of bringing to the attention of your customers products which may enrich the order as a whole. A product marked as a Gift Card will cause a "Gift Card Message" text field to be presented to the customer when checking out. This is great for customers wishing to purchase gifts for others and send them directly to an alternative delivery address. A Gift Card is most effective when marked as an Optional Extra. If a product is designated as a Bundle, its purchase will cause any Bundled Related Products to be added to the Shopping Basket automatically. The price of the Bundle will override the individual component prices. The availability of the Bundle will be calculated based on the lowest stock value of any component. If a product is designated as a Gift Voucher, its purchase will generate a unique code which can be used by the customer as store credit. The value of the Voucher corresponds directly with the price paid for it. VAT does not apply to Gift Vouchers. ContentThe Short Description is optionally used in the product list, along with the Thumbnail Image. The Page Content is used on the product detail page. The Additional Content field can be used to position HTML content alongside the product details (such as the price, Options and Attributes). You are also able to display product content via multi-layered Product Tabs, you may select up to 5 Product Tabs to include on the page. ImagesThere are four types of images which may be used on the site. From largest to smallest, these are the Large, Main, Thumbnail and Basket images. By default, the Main image is used if the Thumbnail or Basket images are left blank. Alongside the primary image, it is also possible to add additional images. When adding an image, it is recommended to add the Large version, which will be resized for the Main image. All product Variants may have their own associated images. Select each Variant in turn to specify a new set of images. Variant images will be displayed dynamically as the customer selects product Options within the store. They will also be displayed in the product catalogue and the Shopping Basket, where appropriate. You may also enter a YouTube Video ID. This will generate a link on the product page which will cause the related video to be displayed in a "lightbox". A Product Label can be specified which will be overlaid on top of the product's Main Image. ValuesThe Values tab enables you to set key values relating to tax, price, weight and the quantity currently held in stock. Products can be marked as exempt from VAT, or an alternative to the default VAT rate may be entered. The Pricing Code need not be changed, but may be used for discount assignment. Specifying a List price results in the reduction being marked on the site. The Cost price field is simply for your own information. Any product can be opted out of the Loyalty Points scheme. If Recurring Billing has been enabled for your store, you may set the Frequency of the payments and, optionally, the number of Instalments required. The Shipping Code may be used for shipping method assignment. As Weight may be a factor in your shipping calculations, you may wish to assign your product a suitable value. A Shipping Surcharge can be added to any particular product, helpful for especially large products. Inversely, Free Shipping can be granted to any product in your catalogue. The Quantity in Stock field should be given a value if you plan on indicating stock availability on your product detail pages. If the product is not a regular stock item, perhaps built to order or made to measure, it may be marked as a Special Order item by entering "SPO" instead of a numeric value. Special Order items do not qualify for inventory management. A Low Stock Threshold can also be specified, along with the minimum and maximum quantities allowed per order. Every product may have its own Warehouse Location. CategoriesThe Categories tab requires you to indicate in which categories your product should appear. A product may be listed in more than one category to increase the probability of your customers finding what they are looking for, and may also be marked as Featured within the category. Related ProductsAny product on the site may be related to any other. This is particularly helpful when pairing accessories with products. Related Products are featured in the Related Products Block on the product detail page. A custom order can be created for the Related Products. Should you designate a Related Product as Addable, it will appear on the product detail page with a checkbox. This way, Related Products can be added simultaneously to the Shopping Basket with the parent product. Addable products may be Selected by default. Hidden products will not appear in the Related Products Block, but can still be used as Addable accessories. If the product is a Bundle, the Addable setting effectively becomes the Bundled setting. AttributesAny Attribute you have created via the Attributes section may be assigned to the product. An Attribute could be any product feature, such as the screen size of a computer monitor. A value should be specified for each Attribute you wish to use. OptionsAny Option you have created via the Options section may be assigned to the product. An Option could be any variation of the product, such as its size or colour. Multiple values should be specified for each Option you wish to use. Much like the Form Editor, clicking on an Option in the left-hand table enables its values to be edited on the right-hand side, along with the opportunity to select a default value. VariantsProduct Options generate the Variant matrix, which constitutes a list of all possible variations of any given product. For example, a product with 2 sizes, Large and Small, and 2 colours, Black and White, would create 4 Variants: Large Black, Large White, Small Black and Small White. Variants automatically inherit the parent product's values unless you choose to specify replacement values. Possible replacements include the SKU, Bar Code, Part Number, Selling, List and Cost prices, along with the Weight, Quantity in stock, Product File or File Group (only if relevant). As with the parent product, every SKU must be unique. AdditionsAny Addition you have created via the Additions section may be assigned to the product. Additions can be used to add to the price of a product, perhaps a chargeable service such as gift wrapping, or to gather extra information from the customer. ChannelsThe Channels tab enables you to enter both an Import Code and an Export Code which may be used for import and export assignment. You are also able to enter specific information that is required to list your product in other external sales Channels, such as Google. TagsBy default, the Title Bar inherits the product title you have specified. The Meta Description and Meta Keywords are automatically inherited from the default values specified in Settings. For developers comfortable with JavaScript, additional code may be added in the text fields provided. Try Bluepark for FREE for 14 daysFull access to everything including our support team, no card details required |