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Channel Profile


The Properties tab allows you to name your Channel Profile and select the Channel you are intending to associate the Profile with.

Shipping Options

The Shipping Options tab allows you to configure your shipping and returns options. These settings apply only to non-Bluepark Channel types.

Publishing Options

The Publishing Options tab allows you to customise your exported product data. This can include using a different Language template, or exporting prices using a different Currency, or affecting prices by percentage change discounts.

You are also able to map specific product fields to alternate custom data fields, tailoring the way your products appear on the Channel.

Non-Bluepark Channel types include additional options related to the Channel.

Publish Products Now

To create, update or delete remote products on a Channel, you must publish your products manually. The first step is to assign your products to the Channel and Profile.

Once the required products have been assigned, you can publish your products in full, or in part, by specifying individual product fields to copy across.

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