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Email Newsletter


The Properties tab allows you to assign a Subject to your email, and to compose the Body of the email. The Bluepark system sends multi-part email messages, meaning that both an HTML and a Plain Text version are sent. By default, the system will attempt to convert your HTML Body into a Plain Text Body. The results of this procedure may be Previewed in advance. If you are dissatisfied with the conversion you may specify your own Plain Text version.

Several variables may be used within the Body of your email. These include the title, first and last names of the recipients. In cases where such data is unavailable, the Default Name will be used.


The Recipients tab allows you to specify the customers you wish to receive your correspondence. From the database, only customers allowing unsolicited contact will be included. Additional Recipients may be specified individually, separated by commas, formatted according to the standard conventions:

Name <>  -or-

The Additional Recipients field may also be populated by a CSV file, appending the data, which should be formatted as follows:

Column 1 / A: Email address
Column 2 / B: Name (optional)

Optional Code

The default Signature and Wrapper are defined in Settings. These can be overridden or even disabled. The CSS code, defined in the default Theme, may also be overridden or disabled.

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