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Purchase Order

Create the Order

A Purchase Order is created by selecting a Supplier, then adding the products and Variants you require, along with the quantities you need. Although not strictly required, this feature works best when you have entered cost prices for each of your products, though these can be added or overwritten at any time.

The optional Display Quantity field enables you to enter an alternative description of the quantity you're purchasing, in place of the numeric unit quantity that you'll be booking back into stock. This is essential if the product in question is sold in packs or by volume, rather than the individual units you sell on your site. The Display Quantity appears only on the Purchase Order document.

If you enter a Display Quantity, it is recommended that you update the cost price accordingly. If you enter "2 Packs" as your Display Quantity, you should enter the cost price for 1 pack, as the system will identify the numeric value and multiply the cost. If you enter "10kg" as your Display Quantity, with no space after the numeric value, then you should enter the cost price for 10kg, as the system will not multiply the cost.

The Status of the order will always start as Unfinished, and can be moved to Pending when you are ready to send it to the Supplier. Selecting Completed forces every line to be marked as being fully received with the quantities remaining. The details of the order, including the Supplier address and the shipping address, are displayed above the product list, both being fully editable.

Once the order is Pending, you are able to specify an Expected Delivery Date which will update the product page the customer sees, should the product be out of stock. This can be overridden per product line, if the order is likely to be fulfilled in multiple shipments.

Fields in the product list enable individual products to be marked as Received up to the limit of the quantities ordered. If you have chosen to manage inventory automatically, receiving products will increase their physical stock and the reverse action will decrease their physical stock.

The order can be viewed and printed via the View Purchase Order button. A formatted Purchase Order will appear in a new window.

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