Social Media

23 July 2024  |  Cate
How to add social icons

Having social media profiles, and posting on them regularly, is the great way to build strong relationships with your customers and reach out to a wider audience. Once you've created your accounts, you need to make sure visitors to your online shop can find these profiles to follow you and social media icons are the way to provide easy to find links for them to use.

23 July 2024  |  Cate
How to add social share buttons

We all know how important social media sites have become to the ecommerce industry. We’re constantly told to set up a Facebook page or update our TikTok feed regularly but what about your actual website? How can you get people who may not of heard of you to come to your online shop? One solution is social share buttons.

7 April 2022  |  Cate
Add Facebook Pixel to your Bluepark site

If you're planning to post Facebook and/or Instagram ads, or you simply wish to track people interacting with your online shop, it is important to add the Facebook Pixel to your site. This will allow you to track clicks and conversions, build targeted audiences for future ads and remarket to people who have already taken some kind of action on your website.

21 April 2021  |  Cate
How to verify your domain on Facebook

Facebook recommends that anyone using Facebook Pixel should verify their domain to ensure users can be tracked through their new Aggregated Event Measurement feature, once Apple releases it's iOS 14.5 update. Follow our easy guide to verify your domain.

31 July 2020  |  Cate
How to set up a Facebook shop

Find out how to create a Facebook Business Account, setup a product upload to Facebook and enable a Facebook Shop for your brand's Facebook Page. Products uploaded to your Facebook Business Account can then be used on Instagram Shopping too.

31 July 2020  |  Cate
How to sell on Instagram

Find out how to setup Instagram Shopping on your brand's Instagram profile using our built-in Facebook product feed. Tag your image and video posts, as well as your Stories to sell directly from Instagram.

29 September 2017  |  Cate
How to use Instagram to boost your sales

One startling statistic that came out earlier in June 2018 is that there are over 1 billion active monthly users on Instagram, that’s over double the monthly active users on Twitter. Find out about how to get the best out of this incredibly popular social platform and how it can help to boost your sales.

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