| List of V2 Theme FeaturesWe've rebuilt the Bluepark online shop experience from the ground up to create our brand new V2 Themes. These include a wide range of updates and new features for you to create themes that will look great, improve the customer's experience and comply with Google's requirements for modern, user-friendly websites. Below you will find a full list of all the changes we've implemented. Theme - All V2 themes are built for Google's Core Web Vitals
- All V2 themes are built using HTML 5 and CSS 3
- Fully responsive - no need to set a Mobile version of the theme
- No separate Mobile CSS field
- New Responsive CSS field to add your own media queries, if needed
- Removal of ALL tables within the HTML to allow total flexibility for designers to create a truly bespoke design
- All JavaScript rewritten, all third party plugins other than jQuery 3 removed
- JavaScript file size reduced by a massive 85% for faster loading and usability
- Deferred loading of fonts and all JavaScript, including jQuery
Header - No fixed Header height - height is determined by the content
- No separate mobile Header logo field
- Content added to the Header Content is displayed on all devices, including mobile
- Header content can only be edited via the HTML
- New variables for Account, Search and Navigation widgets
- Account widget can be set to all icons, icons plus a Sign In/Out link, or all links
- Account icons will display as filled to indicate that the customer is signed in, has added something to their wish list or to their basket
- New variables to display a Contact Us and a Telephone Number in the Header
- New variables to display the Currency Selector and the Language Selector
- Both the Currency and Language selectors can be accessed via a flag or drop-down in the Header
- The Currency and Language selectors can be set to open in a pop-up
- New variable for Header Links to add short promotional messages or an announcement message
Footer - Footer links are added to the V2 themes footer via the new Footer Links feature in the Design / Layout menu
- Easily insert social media icons and email sign-up form into the Footer via the New Footer Links feature
- The relevant social media icons are automatically displayed by adding your social profile links within Integrations
- No fixed Footer height - height is determined by the content
- No separate Mobile Footer field
- Content added to the Footer Content is displayed on all devices
- Footer content can only be edited via the HTML
Navigation - Top navigation is fully responsive
- All of the header remains visible when hovering over top navigation
- Links added to Design/Layout > Navigation Bar are displayed on all devices - mobile no longer switches to the Catalogue and Info blocks
- Top navigation changes to hamburger automatically depending on device size
- The ability to have the hamburger display on all screen widths
- Top navigation links fly out from the side when viewing the hamburger menu
- All links and sub-links are displayed within the hamburger menu
- Each navigation drop-down can have its own featured image, link and text
- Each navigation drop-down can have its own HTML, jQuery or JavaScript added
Blocks - Automatic adjustment of number of columns within the block displayed across the page based on screen width
- Blocks can be displayed full width across the screen on all single column pages
- Blocks can be displayed with full width background colour on all single column pages
- Product, Category, Reviews and Blog blocks can be set to display with a carousel
- Carousel blocks can be set to automated or manual scrolling
- Carousel blocks can be set to loop infinitely or stop on the first and last element
- Reviews and Blog blocks can be set to display horizontally
- Language and Currency blocks are now separated
- Currency drop-down displays with currency symbols
- New Image Gallery block has been added. This works similarly to the V2 Slideshow, but shows all images/videos on the page at once, rather than one by one
- New Image Carousel block has been added. This allows you to add images, each with its own text, button and link, and display them in a carousel.
- New Columns block has been added. This allows you to add any content in a grid like style with automatic responisve features.
- Each Block and Layout can be assigned with its own unique class
- Each Block and Layout can have its own Head Section code and Onload Values
Slideshow - Slideshow can be displayed as centre width, full width or with full width background
- Add videos to each slide as an alternative to an image
- Slideshow can be set with minimum and maximum height to ensure they display well for all screen sizes
- Each slide can be set with a focal point to show on all devices
- The overlay text on each slide can now load with a variety of animated effects
- An alternative image and text can be set for smaller screens, if needed
- Alternative text can be set to display below the image on smaller screens, if needed
- Smart touchscreen swipe with stability feature to ensure page doesn't jump around
Refine Results - Refine Results block flies out from the side on mobile, rather than above the product list
- By removing the left column on the Category Layout, the Refine Results block will display on all devices as it does on mobile
Category Page - Automatic adjustment of number of products displayed across the page based on screen width
- View all alternative product images within the product cell using the carousel
- View product videos within the product cell
- Display colour swatches for colour variants
- View all variant images within the product cell using the carousel by clicking on colour swatches
- Add to basket button is muted if item is out of stock and site is set to not sell out of stock products
- The add to wish list icon can now be displayed on each product within the category
- On a category with more than one page, a Load More button will appear at the bottom of the products
Product Page - No limit to the number of main product images added to a product
- Upload videos to display directly within the product images area
- Variants can now have multiple images
- Variants can now have videos
- All product images and videos can have their own unique file name for SEO
- Images can be displayed as a carousel
- Images can be displayed as a gallery with multiple display options
- Smart touchscreen product image swipe with stability feature to ensure page doesn't jump around
- Zoom images are now displayed as a carousel in a lightbox, with alternative image thumbnails displayed alongside
- Set Options as buttons, as an alternative to drop-down or radio buttons
- Option values can be set with an abbreviation, such as S,M,L
- Option values can be set with a colour swatch to display as the button
- Option values can be set with an image to display as the button
- Option buttons are automatically greyed out if out of stock and site is set to not sell out of stock products
- Add to basket button is muted until an in stock option is chosen
- Add to Wish List and Tell a Friend buttons are now set as icons
- Wish List icon is displayed as filled once the item, or selected option, has been added
- Tell-a-Friend form opens in a pop-up to ensure the customer stays on the product page
- Product tabs can be displayed as an accordion, rather than tabs
- Product Labels now have further options of Square and Flexible - Flexible allows designers to create their own label designs
- Each Product Label type has a specific class type
Blog - Posts can be displayed horizontally on the blog category pages
- Automatic adjustment of number of posts displayed across the page based on screen width
Checkout - New Order Summary block has been added, allowing the customer to see details of their order as they progress through checkout
- New Shopping Basket block has been added, allowing the customer to keep track of the products they're ordering during checkout
- The checkout process can now be set to One Page Checkout
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